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6 Questions To Ask Your Landscape Architect/ Designer

31st JULY 2023

As a garden designer, I understand the importance of finding the right specialist who can deliver personalised designs that meet unique client needs. While my focus lies in creating outdoor spaces that provide both beauty and functionality through sustainable solutions, other garden designers have their own specialisms.

S P E C I A L I S M ✨

- Each of us has a unique set of skills and expertise that we bring to the table.

''What’s your area of specialism?''

These specialisms can vary greatly from traditional to contemporary garden styles and everything in between. Other designers may have expertise in specific areas such as plant selection and placement, irrigation systems, and landscape lighting, which all play a vital role in garden design cohesion and functionality.

When choosing a garden designer, it's essential to find someone who aligns with your vision for your outdoor space. Take the time to get to know potential designers and make sure they understand your needs and preferences. A great designer will work closely with you throughout the design process to provide guidance and advice and ensure that the final product exceeds your expectations.

As a passionate garden designer with an eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, I believe that every garden can be transformed into a beautiful and sustainable outdoor space that you'll love for years to come.

C O S T 💸

- It’s important to keep in mind that different designers may also have different levels of expertise and experience, which can also affect pricing.

''How much will it cost?''

Some may have a greater level of knowledge in horticulture or specific garden styles, while others may be more focused on the creative aspects of design.
They may take into account the size of your garden, the scope of the project, the types of plants and materials required, and any additional services they may offer such as ongoing maintenance or coaching.

As you embark on the exciting journey of hiring a garden designer, there are some key questions you need to ask. One of the most important is undoubtedly "how much will it cost?" But it's important to understand that the answer to this question will vary based on a number of factors unique to each individual designer.

So, how can you best understand the differences between different garden designers when it comes to pricing? The key is to ask your chosen designer to explain their approach and methodology in detail.

A good designer should be able to clearly articulate how they arrive at their pricing structure. They may take into account the size of your garden, the scope of the project, the types of plants and materials required, and any additional services they may offer such as ongoing maintenance or coaching.

Ultimately, the best way to ensure that you're getting a fair and reasonable price is to have an open and honest conversation with your chosen garden designer. Ask them to explain their process, and be sure to express any concerns or questions you may have. With the right communication and collaboration, you can achieve a beautiful and functional garden that's within your budget.

C O N S I D E R A T I O N 🌿

- Firstly, you should evaluate the purpose of the space you want to create.
Secondly, consider your lifestyle and the amount of time you have to devote to gardening.
Thirdly, take into account your budget

''What should I consider when landscaping from scratch?''

As a garden designer, I understand that every client comes with unique needs and preferences. Therefore, I make sure to tailor my approach to suit each client's specific requirements. When it comes to landscaping from scratch, there are a few factors that you should consider.

Firstly, you should evaluate the purpose of the space you want to create. Do you want a low-maintenance garden that requires minimal effort to maintain, or do you prefer a high-maintenance garden with lots of flowering plants and exotic features? Secondly, consider your lifestyle and the amount of time you have to devote to gardening. This will help determine the level of complexity of your design.

Thirdly, take into account your budget. The amount you are willing to spend on your garden design will affect the choice of materials and features you can incorporate. Finally, assess your existing space and environmental conditions, such as soil quality, sunlight exposure, and weather patterns.

Once understanding these factors, a landscape designer create a personalised plan that meets your specific requirements, tastes, and budget. My aim is to transform your outdoor space into a beautiful, functional, and enjoyable space that enhances your lifestyle and meets your gardening needs.

T Y P E ⌨️

Understand personal tastes, lifestyle, and outdoor activities.
It’s important to also take into consideration the surrounding environment and climate.
Ultimately, the theme of the garden should reflect your personality, interests, and needs.

What kind of garden theme should I have? ...

As a client, it's important to understand that each garden is unique and your garden preferences may differ. When asked what kind of garden theme one should have, it's important to have a conversation with the designer to understand personal tastes, lifestyle, and outdoor activities.

For example, if you enjoy entertaining guests and having outdoor dinner parties, a theme that emphasises a dining and gathering area may be the best option. If you have young children or pets, a family-friendly theme that accommodates your needs may be preferred.

It's important to also take into consideration the surrounding environment and climate. Living in an urban environment, a modern or minimalist theme may be appropriate. On the other hand, living in rural areas may want a more naturalistic or wild garden design.

Ultimately, the theme of the garden should reflect your personality, interests, and needs. As a designer, it's important that we listen carefully to your wants and preferences and use that as a guide to create a personalised and unique outdoor space that they can enjoy for years to come.

L O W M A I N T E N A N C E 💚

A skilled garden designer will be able to ask questions and listen carefully to understand your unique situation, including factors such as climate, soil type, available space, and personal style. By taking the time to truly understand what your looking for, a designer can create a custom plan that addresses your needs and goals while still working within the constraints of a low maintenance design.

What installations work best in low maintenance gardens?

Some possible installations that could be recommended for a low maintenance garden might include artificial turf or xeriscaping to reduce the need for watering and lawn care. Raised garden beds or container gardening can also help to minimize the amount of weeding and tending required, while still allowing for a vibrant and productive garden space.

When it comes to low maintenance gardens, there are a variety of installations that can work best depending on the specific needs and preferences of the garden owner. A knowledgeable garden designer should be able to work with the individual client to create a customised design that is both low maintenance and visually appealing.

However, it's important to keep in mind that not everyone will have the same needs or preferences when it comes to garden design. A skilled garden designer will be able to ask questions and listen carefully to understand your unique situation, including factors such as climate, soil type, available space, and personal style. By taking the time to truly understand what you are looking for, a designer can create a custom plan that addresses your needs and goals while still working within the constraints of a low maintenance design.


Garden Design: A good garden designer knows that it's not just about putting plants in the ground and calling it a day. It's about creating a harmonious space that is not only visually stunning but functional as well. From incorporating sustainable practices to understanding soil conditions and irrigation, a skilled garden designer will consider all the aspects of your unique space.

How to know if you have a good garden designer that will fit your needs: Look for someone who takes the time to get to know you and your preferences. They should ask about your lifestyle and how you plan to use your garden space. Ask to see examples of their previous work and inquire about their education and training. And most importantly, find someone who communicates clearly and listens to your feedback.

With the right garden designer by your side, you'll have a green thumb in no time.

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